
Curious to learn about the special menu for the G7 Dinner at the Borgo Egnazio in June?

The G7 summit was held at the Borgo Egnazia from 13 to 15 June in the municipality of Fasano in Puglia. A special Welcome dinner was held at Castello Svevo in Brindisi. Ever wondered what was served at the first dinner attended by World Leaders including Italian Preident Mattarella. Chef of Tenuta Moreno di Mesagne Vincenzo Elia was entrusted with the preparation of the inaugural dinner. The menu had a Mediterranean flavour and included fish, vegetables and local products. Chef Elia had the task “of interpreting Italianness through the vocation of Apulian cuisine, which is tasty and healthy at the same time, a cuisine that perfectly embodies the philosophy of the Mediterranean diet”. The menu  began with a delicious Scorpion fish with dried cherry tomatoes and aromatic herbs ( lo Scorfano con pomodorini secchi ed erbe aromatiche), accompanied by Barattieri (Apulian melon) and the scent and sweetness of Fiaschetto cherry tomatoes from Torre Guaceto. Also a tribute to Italian cuisine featuring delicate Tortelli filled with Gurnard, with julienne of smoked bluefish ( Tortelli ripieni di gallinella , con julienne di pesce serra affumicato).  Followed by the exquisite fillet of red snapper with Toritto almonds, and a cream of burrata from Andria with crumble of sweet tarallo and Ferrovia cherries (Filetto di dentice alle mandorle di Toritto, e una Crema die burrata di Andria con crumble di tarallo dolce e ciliegie Ferrovia). Tenute Rubino wines were offered, including the Primitivo Visellio, and the Vermentino Libens; to finish, an artichoke-based bitter, the Carduus Brindisino, and the inevitable coffee from a roaster in Francavilla Fontana.


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