The “Ziti allo Scarperiello” is typical Neapolitan culinary dish with a long tradition, born in one of the most popular areas of the city: the Quartieri Spagnoli. From the historic Via Toledo, going up these alleys, you'll see the shoemakers, that back in the old times were repaid for their craftsmanship with what they had in their pantry. So with pieces of cheese available, the tomatoes and the basil leaves, a dish with a simple and genuine sauce was created. Which recipe has survived to today!
Ziti Pasta 480 gr; grated parmesan 100 gr; grated pecorino cheese 50 gr; butter80 gr; extra virgin olive oil 100 gr; cherry tomatoes 1 kg; peeled tomatoes 350 gr; 1 clove garlic; basil20 gr; chili pepper5 gr; Salt to taste.
Wash and cut the cherry tomatoes in half; pass the peeled tomatoes through a vegetable mill. In a pan, fry oil, peeled and crushed garlic (to be removed later) and add the fresh cherry tomatoes and simmer over high heat; add the pureed peeled tomatoes and salt; let it cook (the cooking times change depending on the pan used).
Put the butter in a pan and let it melt, adding the chilli pepper, the basil and finally the previously prepared tomato sauce. Separately, cook the ziti al dente and sauté them in the pan with the cherry tomato sauce and a drop of water. Off the heat, add the mixture of cheeses and stir. Serve garnished with basil. Grazie a Oggi Cucina!
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