Rome's 2776th anniversary was celebrated on the 21 April with special events between the 20 and 23 April 2023 at the Circus Maximus, and the Gruppo Storico Romano staged this event with the theme "Roma: Regina Aqvarum", a tribute to the preciousness of water in the history of the city. The events were free and involved the participation of citizens and tourists in the order of tens of thousands. This year, the birthday of the Caput Mundi was even more international with the participation of 16 nations, 80 associations and 2500 re-enactors.
According to the legend by Romulus Rome's original birth took place in 753 BC and celebrated for the first time by the Emperor Claudius in 47 AD. At the end of the Western Roman Empire, this festivity fell into disuse, to be recovered during the Italian Risorgimento. In the new republican Italy, the 1st May became the Labour Day, and Rome's city birthday became the 21st April. Every year, the Romans celebrate Natale di Roma on April 21, . An anniversary that has nothing to do with the Christian Christmas, but which wants to symbolically represent and celebrate the birth of the Eternal City.

The foundation of Rome and the traditions linked to food back to the 8th century BC are explored for Rome's anniversary by Claudio Gargioli, chef of Armando al Pantheon, near the Pantheon. According to ancient roman history, it is said that in the southern part of the Campo Marzio where the Pantheon stands today, Romulus, the first king of Rome, was taken to heaven during a storm. Tarquinio, the Superb appropriated the place and had it cultivated with wheat. According to a legend, during the revolt that caused the expulsion of the king of Rome, the sheaves of that grain were thrown into the river, giving rise to the Isola Tiberina. Claudio Gargioli, chef of Armando al Pantheon, prepared a number of dishes of ancient tradition to celebrate Rome's anniversary. A porchetta from Tuscia: with fennel, garlic and pepper, offered to customers using live fire cooking with aromatic herbs as in Etruscan banquets. Another dish - the Moretum cream cheese (sheep's ricotta from the Roman countryside) seasoned with oil, pepper and many aromatic herbs such as fennel, sage, thyme, coriander, rosemary. Accompanied with focaccia. And Guinea fowl with porcini mushrooms and black beer: a dish inspired by the gastronome of the first century. d. C. Apicius in whose De Re Coquinaria complex preparations rich in contrasting flavors are described.
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