September is the best time to enjoy a good aperitif with friends returning from holidays, learning about their travel and experiences while enjoying a walk together and an aperitivo. Fare una passeggiata is an Italian custom - whether before or after dinner with family or friends. You tend to dress up to impress friends and relatives (la bella figura) to show off latest wardrobe or shoes. Especially during warm summer nights, sitting with friends on a bench or in a cafe bar, presents a great pastime to watch people go by, while chatting to your friends. You just stroll down the main street or piazza, window shopping with friends or family. The piazza plays an important part. In summer and autumn, the Italians love to pour into the streets of the center to enjoy the view of the most beautiful monuments illuminated by the light of the street lamps - regardless of the city. And thanks to the mild climate in September, in most Italian cities it can be pleasant to be outdoors. Either take your walk before the aperitivo or after, or go for a walk after dinner - or even both. Not just a healthy but very sociable Italian custom!
The Italian piazza is the very core of the community, the key to understand local life. It represents a magic balance of nuance and human scale that has grown beautiful over hundreds of years. The piazza means belonging to a society and it means daily life. In each town, it reunites the two most important buildings, the city hall and the church: the political and the religious power face each other, with people's daily life, new acquaintances and commercial deals all taking place between them. Italy has some of the most amazing piazzas in the world. Whether the Pizza Santa Croce in Florence, Via Fillungo in Lucca and Corso Vannucci in Perugia, there are many options - every town has one with its particular characteristics.

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