For this Sunday's lunch, why not prepare this delicious Neapolitan recipe of cabbage and rice - Virz e ris : it has a truly unique flavor, not to mention its creaminess.
It is a typical peasant dish - just a few and basic ingredients. But despite this, the dish is rich in flavor which will please the entire family. It is quick to prepare; healthy and ideal comfort food during autumn or winter.
Even though winter is not necessarily associated with Naples; it can get snow and be rather cold - but still a great time to visit Naples as you have less tourists and you can enjoy traditional Neapolitan comfort food such as this recipe of Virz e ris!
1 cabbage; 300 grams of carnaroli rice; 1 white onion
Oil; Chili pepper; salt; Grated Parmesan cheese; Parmesan peel
Take your cabbage, remove the outer leaves and part of the stem, which could be hard. Cut it into strips and wash it with plenty of fresh water. In the meantime, the cabbage loses some of the excess water, take a pan, pour the oil and fry the onion very finely and the chilli (optional). Let the onion brown, remove the chilli and add the cabbage. Now you will have to let it dry for a few minutes, then add the water or vegetable broth until it is completely covered and let it cook for about 40 minutes. When the cabbage begins to soften, mash it with the help of a spoon, in this way the dish will be much creamier in the end. Add the rice, season with salt and cook. Check from time to time and if it gets too dry, add more water or broth. Just before the rice is cooked, add the Parmesan peel. Once cooked, add the grated Parmesan cheese, leave to stir for a few seconds over the heat off and serve.

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