Not only a tasty cheese but rich in beneficial properties. Another reason why to use Parmesan in your everyday cooking and recipes! Parmesan is a tasty and at the same time very nutritious cheese. Good to eat alone, in small pieces, together with fruit, but also grated on different dishes. Furthermore, it is the only cheese that can withstand a long aging without the need for additives for its conservation. Indeed, the more seasoned it is, the easier it is digested. Water, proteins, calcium, zinc, iron, mineral salts and vitamins, the main components of Parmesan. Fundamental elements for our body.
For every 100 grams of product you can find 30 grams of water, 33 grams of protein, 28 grams of fat, and just over a gram of salt. While the total calories are 392. How many times have we heard that eating Parmesan is good for the bones? Nothing more true. A small piece of 20 grams in fact contains the same amount of calcium that is found in a glass of milk. On the other hand, a 50-gram slice contains 580 milligrams of calcium, which is about half of the daily requirement for an adult. Consuming this cheese therefore means protecting the bones and, for this very reason, according to experts, it must be included in the diet of those suffering from osteoporosis. Parmesan is also recommended for pregnant women precisely because it satisfies the need for calcium along with folate, vitamins, zinc and mineral salts.

Pasta alla crema di parmigiano

Ingredients for two people:
140 g of short pasta; 150 ml of milk; 60 g of grated Parmesan cheese; 15 g of butter; 10 g of flour; salt
black pepper
Let's start the preparation by placing a pot full of water on the stove to cook the pasta.
In the meantime, in a saucepan, melt the butter and add the flour, stirring with a wooden spoon or, better still, a whisk. We add the milk, leaving a few tablespoons aside. We mix quickly for a couple of minutes, in order to eliminate all the lumps of flour, then add the Parmesan and turn off the stove. We mix to mix the cheese and, if the cream is too thick, we can add the remaining milk. Let's flavour our cream with a little black pepper. We dip the pasta into the pot as soon as the water has started to boil, obviously after having salted it. Drain the pasta and, with the stove off, transfer it to the pan with the Parmesan cream and mix until it is seasoned well. Pasta with Parmesan cream is ready, super creamy and fragrant, but also quick and easy!
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