The Venice Carnival is staged from the 12 February to the 1st March; and this year presented on a slightly smaller scale. They say that the final weekend of Venice Carnival is said to be the best time to attend. So, from Fat Thursday (Giovedì Grasso) until Shrove Tuesday (Martedì Grasso), is when the best events occur. It is also the busiest time to be in Venice for Carnival. Carnival in Venice feels like it has been suspended in time between the past and present. Venice Carnival allows you to experience carnival how the Venetians would have done hundreds of years ago.
Admiring the beautiful costumes is a highlight of carnival. The most popular costumes worn during are traditional 18th century Venice lords and ladies. The costumes look stunning amongst the magical background of Venice and will transport you back in time, allowing you to re-experience and re-imagine carnival of the past. It is impossible not to stand still every now and again just to admire the creativity, originality and the intricate details many costumes and masks.

Il Volo dell’Angelo also known as The Flight of the Angel is one of the highlights of Venice Carnival. This event actually dates back to the original carnivals that occurred during the La Serenissma period. It is the event that officially kicks of Venice Carnival. The event has its roots in the mid-16th century, when a young Turkish acrobat was able to reach, using only a barbell, the bell tower of San Marco’s Campanile walking on a rope tied to a boat anchored in the pier of the Piazzetta, adjacent to St. Mark’s Square. During the descent, the young acrobat reached the balcony of Palazzo Ducale, to pay homage to the Doge.
Masquerade balls and parties are the essence of Venice Carnival. Our recommendation is to attend the Casanova Grand Ball hosted by Atelier Marega which is one of the most anticipated and exclusive events of Venice Carnival and takes place in the draw dropping setting of Palazzo Zeno in Venice.

Dinners at Ca 'Vendramin Calergi are also scheduled from 24 February to 1 March from 9 pm onwards: the exclusive dinners, which will be managed in complete safety according to the rules and protocols for containing the infection, will be conducted by the eclectic Prince Maurice, at the time Maurizio Agosti. Guests will be amazed and delighted by the gourmet food prepared by the Wagner Restaurant and by the intense and refined show curated by Antonia Sautter to enjoy a unique and unforgettable Carnival experience.
VENEZIA IMAGINARIUM will offer a real immersion in a universe inspired by Venice and its 1600-year adventure.

Masks are the what makes Venice Carnival so unique. Entire costumes are created around the selection of a mask. This tradition dates back to the 5th century. Masquerades come from all over the world to take part in this tradition. The Best Masked Costume Competition takes place daily during the 10 days of carnival, and the daily winners will then go on to participate in the final parade held on the last Sunday of carnival.
Carnival is historically the period that precedes 40 days of Lent prior to Easter. It is a time when you can indulge, particularly with food, before the long period of abstinence and sacrifice begins. A local Venetian speciality are the Fritelle, which is another tradition from La Serenissma, and literally means fritters. It is a type of fried donut that begins showing up a few weeks prior to carnival. It can be filled or not, rolled in cane sugar or dusted with powdered sugar. The Nutella filled ones, as well as the chocolate cream and rum ones are very popular, and they disappear as soon as carnival ends.

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