Sformato rustico - The rustic Sicilian potato and eggplant flan is a rich and generous dish, delicious and very easy to make. It is a dish that combines the taste and simplicity of a home -cooked meal that becomes even more enjoyable and tasty thanks to the combination of typical ingredients of the Sicilian gastronomic tradition.
1 kg of potatoes; 1 kg of eggplant; 800 ml of tomato sauce; 250 g of Sicilian caciocavallo; 120 gr of grated pecorino
A clove of garlic; salt and pepper to taste; q.s. Extra virgin olive oil; q.s. Fry oil; Fresh basil to taste
To make this dish, start by washing the potatoes. Boil them in abundant salted water for about ten minutes, then drain and let them cool. Take a high-sided saucepan, pour plenty of extra virgin olive oil and a peeled clove of garlic without the central core. Fry gently, when it is golden, add the tomato puree. Season with salt, cover and cook for about ten minutes with the heat at low. If it gets too dry, add a little water. Meanwhile, wash and trim the aubergines, cut them into slices and fry them in seed oil. Transfer them to absorbent paper and let them dry. Take an oven dish with high sides and grease it very well. Take back the potatoes, peel them and cut them into slices. Arrange a layer on the bottom of the pan, continue with a little tomato sauce, grated pecorino, sliced caciocavallo and aubergines. Ultimate with aubergines, caciocavallo, tomato sauce and a little more grated pecorino. Transfer to the oven and bake at 200 degrees for 25 minutes. Ultimate 5 minutes in grill mode to make a nice golden crust form, then remove and let it cool slightly. Serve it and enjoy it! Grazie a Ricette Sprint!
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