Thursday 29 July on Rai 1, "DOC Nelle Tue Mani" the second series starts. The popular TV series with Luca Argentero. Apparently one of the protagonists of the television series "DOC - In your hands" during the second season will die. Fans are trying to find out in anticipation what will happen in future episodes. From the official Instagram page of the series they have made it known that the new episodes will focus on the Covid-19 pandemic.
All the characters of DOC - Nelle Tue Mani will have to deal with this virus, looking for the best way to handle the situation. Furthermore, the protagonists will come face to face with mourning because, someone will die. It has obviously not been specified who will pass away, but it has been made clear that the hospital will be strongly affected by this loss. But the death of one of the characters isn't the only anticipation of the second season of Doc - In Your Hands. From what we understand, this second season will focus particularly on Andrea Fanti, played by Luca Argentero. As for his love life, however, his character seems to be divided again between doctor Giulia Giordano, played by Matilde Gioli, and ex-wife Agnese, who gives birth to Sara Lazzaro. Although he convinced Dr. Giulia to stay in the hospital, he will play every card in his possession to win back his ex-wife.

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