Pasta with cauliflower and anchovies, fast and easy to prepare pasta dish. Preparation of this dish will be in 10 minutes. Pasta with cauliflower is a very popular first course in Puglia, even if some of the ingredients may differ from region to region: there are those who make them with tomatoes, those who prefer them spicy with pepper or chili, those who serve them with the crumb of fried bread, those who eat them simply seasoned with a drizzle of raw extra virgin olive oil. In Bari, for example, many season this dish with salted anchovies.
400 g pasta; 300 g cauliflower tops; 5 anchovy fillets in oil; garlic; extra virgin olive oil; Pine nuts; 1 chilli; thyme; salt; pepper
Divide the cauliflower florets and wash them, cook them in boiling water for about 4 minutes and drain them. We take a pan with oil and garlic and I fry the latter and then remove it and add the anchovies. Add the chopped chilli and cauliflower and sauté for a couple of minutes. Aside, lightly toast the pine nuts. Now let's cook the pasta and when it is cooked, season it with the cauliflower and anchovy sauce and add the pine nuts. Sprinkle with thyme and pepper to taste.
Pasta with cauliflower and anchovies -quick to prepare and delicious!
. Cauliflower is a vegetable widely used in Italian cuisine; it is harvested between October and May and there are various types and colors. It is cooked in every possible way: fried, boiled , in a pan, with chili pepper, with oil and salt, steamed and in this specific regional case in pasta sauce. The nutritional elements of cauliflower are really excellent and essential for our body: in addition to being indicated in case of diabetes , it is an excellent remedy for colds thanks to its concentration of vitamin C, mineral salts and antioxidant and anti-inflammatory action.

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