The Repubblica Newspaper in Italy is publishing 8 Xmas stories written by some of the most loved Italian crime authors - of the 'Capodanno' publication which contains crime stories from Andrea Camillieri, Esmahan Aykol, Costa Gian Mauro and more - to be published every Saturday and Sunday in the Italian Newspaper Repubblica or online.
A killer Santa Claus to look for in the wards of a hospital, right on the night before. A "passing dead" on New Year's Eve, in a provincial hotel, another in a railing house. The corpse of a stranger among the market stalls, after the closing of the feast day. These are some of the cases that readers will be able to solve, accompanied by their favorite investigators, by reading the eight Christmas-themed thrillers, with the best of Italian and international crime writers - a must read!

In 'Capodanno' Andrea Camilleri introduces us to two stories. In the story "Una Cena Speciale" Commissario Montalbano's concept of a good New Year's Eve is simple and clear: the "arancini" of the good Adelina. New Year's Eve for him is all about dodging invitations: the news that Livia will not be able to reach him, due to work commitments, seems to have sparked though invitations of affection, business invitations, ceremony invitations (and the most moving and difficult to avoid is that of Catarella). Montalbano has to find excuses after excuses of why he cannot come, some really imaginative, to be able to enjoy in peace a pleasure coveted for 364 days and, at this end of the year, this inventive effort seems to have become his real job. Below, however, it boils until a gory case erupts. A very young girl, the daughter of a dear and honest acquaintance of Fazio, is under blackmail, threatened by a fugitive. Montalbano will first have to decipher a puzzle to capture it. Nobody doubts its success, but will it also deal with the case of arancini?
In Antonio Manzini's L’accattone , we find the lucky character of the Roman assistant commissioner Rocco Schiavone: he is not in Aosta, where he serves, but in his Trastevere. The peculiar assistant commissioner Chicco Schiavone - creation of Antonio Manzini (one of his novels will be published in January) -, more cold than ever in Val D'Aosta, where he was transferred to for no one knows what events. "

“Thirty December, six in the afternoon. Deputy Chief Rocco Schiavone looked out of the window at the darkness tapped by the lights of the offices of the buildings opposite. He had four alternatives to end that empty and depressing afternoon: 1) playing trump on-line, 2) pissing off the blond agent on the third floor, 3) looking for some funny announcement on the "Messenger", 4) cannetta. He opted for the fourth ». In Rome, in the city of Rocco, in Trastevere, the neighborhood where he was born, a body was found under a market stall in via Garibaldi. his was recognized by an elderly gentleman who, after closing the kiosks, collects abandoned fruit and vegetables to make ends meet. He is not the only one to rummage through the leftovers: the dead man had the same habit."

In A Christmas of Petra, by Spanish writer Alicia Giménez Bartlett. Her beloved policewoman Petra Delicado (recently played on TV by Paola Cortellesi) and her deputy Fermín Garzón meet on the eve of a hospital ward. They are looking for a killer, dressed as Santa Claus.
We move to the Italian province, with Marco Malvaldi and his New Year of the Boar, which sees on stage as always the old men of the BarLume and his "barrista", Massimo Viviani, committed to solving crimes. Massimo is a graduate in mathematics who, after winning a Totocalcio board, buys the BarLume and becomes the confident barman.
Invariably Massimo finds himself investigating, in every episode, some crimes that take place in his town on the Tuscan Riviera, Pineta, collaborating with the Police commissioner Vittoria Fusco. His instinct as a detective always finds inspiration in some conversations, which is forced to sit in his bar, by four old-fashioned old men: his uncle Ampelio (later replaced by his former father-in-law Emo), Pilade, Gino and Aldo. Massimo is also the boss of Tiziana, the handsome and prosperous waitress of BarLume, the erotic dream of everyone.

One day in September at Christmas, we find ourselves with another darling of mystery fans: Gelsomina Settembre, the character created by the Neapolitan writer Maurizio de Giovanni, here at her first appearance. Social worker in a counseling center in the popular Spanish Quarters, in Naples, Gelsomina known as Mina receives a visit from an old acquaintance: Nanninella, who grew up in a neighborhood of poverty and drug dealing and now a high-level prostitute, en route to the Camorra family who rules that area of the city. Also made into a popular TV series on RAI - Mina Settembre.
Another story within the "Capodanno" publication is a story from the Turkish writer Esmahan Aykol who sets the adventures of her bookseller Kati Hirschel in Istanbul. In Rubacuori on New Year's Eve, Kati tries to solve the mystery of a disappearance that worries her enormously: that of her friend Lale, of whom there is no trace. Other popular novels by this author includes Hotel Bosphorus.

Two other titles included in the Capodanno publication that bring us back to Milan and Palermo. back to the two opposite ends of Italy: in Milan with Francesco Recami in his book La Casa di ringhiera: The retired upholsterer Amedeo Consonni lives in a railing house and collects news about ferocious and violent crimes, the latest being the case of the strange murder of the "sphinx". Meanwhile, a criminal atmosphere suddenly falls among its tenants. Between misunderstandings and suspicions and a mocking revelation, confused, bewildered and overwhelmed by events, Amedeo, unwittingly, leads the investigation to the truth.
And we travel to Palermo with Come fu chei I by Santo Piazzese: For Lorenzo La Marca, Christmas Eve at the home of Inspector Vittorio Spotorno, who with the help of a bottle of whiskey has a story to tell him, one of those beautiful black ones. A story that smacks of distance and melancholy, a story of Marseille, another Palermo. Santo Pizzese's story 'Come su che sul che si cambiare'.

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