In the current pandemic times, retailers as fashion designers have to evolve their business models to stay relevant. With physical retail stores diminishing , there is a shift to online stores underpinned by digital e-commerce platforms to enable online ordering and ordering off the web-site. Dolce & Gabbana, has taken this to another height by designing a digital collection and releasing it first online - the digital fashion show "Walking in the Street".
The clientele can watch the digital fashion show, and shop immeditately for the looks and accessories. The first of the DG Digital Show 1 - Walking in the Street, features looks with the unique features of Dolce&Gabbana DNA meet city-inspired looks.
The collection itself, titled Walking in the Street, is different to the typical Dolce & Gabbana The new collection has still some of the quintessential Italian charm but displayed with a more relaxed and streetwear je ne sais quo . Dolce Gabbana are said to have thought of a woman, who although obliged to wear a mask, can go around the city and move in a liberated way. The collection includes sneakers, bags, blazers and denim.
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