In a recent interview, Gina Lollobrigida spoke out against the recent violent protests in Northern Italy. With her 93 years and still quite fit, she spoke out with the frankness that has always distinguished her. She said:"We lost everything during the war, no job and not being able to eat. We were desperate but the only thing that saved us is to be all united with a single mission: to rebuild everything . “We knew rebuilding was going to be difficult but not impossible. "Her thoughts go to the street fights that are now inflaming Italy, but she says that demonstrating is important but should not result in violence. History has taught us that with non-violence we can face and solve problems".

An unexpected video that shows all the sensitivity of this great woman and her desire to help in a very complicated situation leveraging her lifelong experience. Her own life, full of great joys and satisfactions, but also of so many pains that have forged her and now give her incredible strength.
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