The most famous character invented by the Sicilian writer Andrea Camilleri lives in places with invented names that, in reality, are located in the southeast area of the island.
Donnalucata is Marina di Vigata, Gela is Fela, Sciacca is Fiacca. The cities with invented names mentioned in the novels of Montalbano, written by Andrea Camilleri, correspond to existing parts located in Sicily. With the success of the TV series they have become "cult" places, visited every year by admirers of the adventures of the commissiario.
One of the well known places is certainly the house of Montalbano, which in fiction is located in Vigata, but in reality it is Marinella, a fraction of Santa Croce Camerina (Ragusa).
Often the Commissario is described during his breakfasts, lunches and dinners on the terrace overlooking the beach, or while walking near the house.
Another shot often framed by fiction cameras is the police station where Montalbano works, which in reality is located in Scicli (province of Ragusa).
The city of Noto, in the province of Syracuse, in fiction TV is the place where the Vigata prison is located. In some episodes, Salvo Montalbano moves his office right here to be closer to the prison.
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