The day begins with a ristretto: a small sip, almost without water, seductive aromas. In the bar. To meet friends or colleagues, exchange a few words. And the happiness sets in immediately. We like that the most: The joy of life of the Italians. They look forward to the “piccole cose della vita”. They are warm, spontaneous, charming, uncomplicated, helpful, passionate.
Italy resists the short-lived and superficial trend culture, instead maintains and refines proven traditions, but still inspires with innovations. It is no coincidence that the Renaissance started 200 years earlier in Italy than in the rest of Europe.

The more the Italians are challenged, the more likely they are to show what they can do. A special talent of the Italians shows itself in the craft, with deep traces back to the Etruscans. In hardly any other country do we find a cultural density like in Italy, from north to south, all over the country. In every place, no matter how small, we encounter works of art, churches, temples, palaces, beautiful houses, grounds, gardens.

They love to chat, the Italians (mostly all at the same time), like to show themselves, observe public life. Enjoy passionately.

"L’Italia è il paese delle piazze." Where are there more public piazzas than in Italy? The climate and beauty of the landscape are the reason why life takes place outside, in the squares, in the arena, in the theater, in bars and restaurants. They love to chat, the Italians (mostly all at the same time), like to show themselves, and enjoying public life.
The great Italian cuisine is still popular as ever. The world's best restaurant is still in Italy with Massimo Boutera's Osteria Francescana in Modena. Italian products and recipes that are so simple, essential and classic that they have been tasted by so many people for centuries? Where do the world's most popular pasta come from?
In short: Italy could compete with all other countries for innovation awards in the kitchen, in culture, on the football field. The joy of life, their warm nature, spontaneous, charming - see you soon.
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