The opportunity to visit the real set of Commissario Montalbano in Scicli (Ragusa). Life has restarted again in Scicli with lockdown being relaxed. The museum in Scicli is open including access to the set of Montalbano within the church of Santa Teresa. These cultural sites owned by the municipality of Scicli (in the province of Ragusa), in via Francesco Mormina Penna, reopened to the public this week.
Visitors will be able to visit the museum sites such as the commissariat of Vigata, a must for lovers of Montalbano's fiction, the room of the mayor of Scicli (in the fictional office of the commissioner Bonetti-Alderighi), Palazzo Spadaro and the wonderful church museum of Santa Teresa. All these sites which became famous thanks to Camilleri and his main protagonist Salvo Montalbano.
Fans of Commissario Montalbano will again be able to immerse themselves in the fiction by visiting the original set, art lovers will be able to re-experience the paintings of the "Scicli Group", kept inside the eighteenth-century and the noble Palazzo Spadaro, and observing the treasures enclosed in the jewel baroque of the church-museum of Santa Teresa.

The Vigata police station and the Questore's room, at the town hall, can be visited every day from 10 to 8pm. Visits to the church of Santa Teresa and Palazzo Spadaro, in June, will be possible also on Saturday and Sunday .

The type B social cooperative "Agire", which employs young people with different skills in its staff, continues to work with enthusiasm and with the utmost commitment to ensure the city of Scicli as a top-level tourist destination in Sicily.

In order to allow an optimization of the service, in compliance with the containment measures of Covid-19, reservations are strongly recommended and the entrances will be limited.
Reservations can be accepted on site or through the email address agirecooperativa@gmail.com.
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